A Living Trust is Good.
The Living Trust Plus® is Better
Protect your assets and secure your future with the Living Trust Plus. Don't leave your estate vulnerable to probate, lawsuits, or nursing home expenses. Take control now and experience the peace of mind that comes with comprehensive estate planning AND asset protection. 
A revocable living trust protects your assets from probate. That's a good thing, but there's an even better option for many people. The Living Trust Plus protects your assets from probate PLUS lawsuits PLUS nursing home expenses. Learn how now. Enter your details below to download our free e-book on the Living Trust Plus Medicaid Asset Protection Trust and Veterans Asset Protection Trust, written by Certified Elder Law Attorney Evan H. Farr, 4-time best-selling author, creator of the Living Trust Plus, and founder of the Academy of Living Trust Plus Attorneys.

Discover the Hidden Strategies to Safeguard Your Finances from Nursing Home Costs and Preserve Your Wealth

Watch The Video Below To Learn More!

Unleashing Unbreakable Asset Protection for All

Discover the Living Trust Plus®

Your Path to Unwavering Financial Security

The Living Trust Plus is a groundbreaking solution created by acclaimed Certified Elder Law Attorney Evan H. Farr. The Living Trust Plus empowers individuals from all walks of life to shield their assets from probate, nursing home expenses, lawsuits, and other financial risks. Embrace a future of unwavering security and bid farewell to the risks of financial hardship.
  • Comprehensive Protection: Safeguard your assets from probate, nursing home expenses, lawsuits, and other unforeseen financial attacks against your assets.
  • Preserve Your Wealth: Ensure your hard-earned savings and investments remain intact for your benefit and the well-being of your loved ones.
  • Retain Control: Maintain a high degree of control over your trust assets, with the ability to choose trustees, modify beneficiaries, and enjoy the use of your real estate.
  • Medicaid Eligibility: The Living Trust Plus allows you to protect your assets from being counted by state Medicaid agencies while still retaining an interest in the trust.
  • ​Veterans Aid and Attendance: Qualified wartime veterans can leverage the Living Trust Plus to safeguard their assets and access the benefits of a Special VA pension called "Veterans Aid and Attendance."
  • Expert Guidance: Rely on the expertise of Evan Farr and his licensed colleagues who are members of the Academy of Living Trust Plus Attorneys. Evan Farr is one of the foremost legal experts in the country on these types of trusts, and on Medicaid Planning in general. He's a 4-time best-selling author who has educated countless attorneys and individuals and received numerous prestigious awards of recognitions in the field of Elder Law and Estate Planning.
Experience the liberating power of the Living Trust Plus. Take charge of your financial security today and embark on a worry-free journey toward a brighter future.

Why the Living Trust Plus?

Because this is the Secret YOU Can use to Pay for Nursing Home Care Without Going Broke!

Hi. I'm Evan Farr, one of approximately 525 Certified Elder Law Attorneys in the Unites States. If you haven't heard of me, just Google me and you'll see I'm the real deal and I help real clients every day. My law firm and I save our clients tens of millions of dollars every year. I've written 4 best-selling books for clients in the field of Elder Law (including those offered to you on this site for free) and dozens of legal treatises written for other Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorneys across the country that I use to educate. I have taught tens of thousands of attorneys across the country about Medicaid Asset Protection and related Asset Protection Trusts. I write my books and treatises to educate both attorneys and their clients who have worked hard their entire lives and don't want to be taken advantage of by our unfair American health care system that wants to force you to spend down your entire life savings to pay for the care you need when you or a loved one get the wrong type of disease -- one that leads to long-term care instead of health care.

Hide Is a Four-Letter Word
Elder Law attorneys do not hide assets. Hide is literally a four-letter word and has no place in an Elder Law practice. Elder Law attorneys legally protect or shelter assets using the applicable laws that are available. Medicaid Asset Protection is absolutely ethical and moral; in fact, it is the right thing to do if a family is concerned about the long-term care of a loved one. From a moral and ethical standpoint, Medicaid planning is no different from income tax planning and estate planning.

Medicaid Planning Is Just Like Income Tax Planning
Income tax planning involves trying to find all the proper and legal deductions, credits, and other tax savings that you are entitled to — taking maximum advantage of existing laws. Income tax planning also involves investing in tax-free bonds, retirement plans, or other tax-favored investment vehicles, all in an effort to minimize what you pay in income taxes and maximize the amount of money that remains in your control to be used to benefit you and your family.

Medicaid Planning Is Just Like Estate Tax Planning
Estate planning involves trying to plan your estate to minimize the amount of estate taxes and probate taxes that your estate will have to pay to the government, again taking maximum advantage of the existing laws. Similar to income-tax planning, estate planning is a way to minimize what your estate pays in taxes and maximize the amount of money that remains in your estate to be used to benefit your family. Similarly, Medicaid planning involves trying to find the best methods to transfer, shelter, and protect your assets in ways that take maximum advantage of existing laws, all in an effort to minimize what you pay and maximize the amount of money that remains in your control to be used to benefit you and your family.

Like income-tax planning and estate planning, Medicaid planning requires a great deal of extremely complex knowledge due in part to frequently changing laws, so clients need to work with experienced Elder Law attorneys who know the rules and can give proper advice.

Medicaid Planning is Just Like Long-Term Care Insurance
For seniors over the age of 65, Medicaid has become equivalent to federally subsidized long-term care insurance, just as Medicare is equivalent to federally subsidized health insurance. Congress accepts the realities of Medicaid Planning through rules that protect spouses of nursing home residents, allow Medicaid Asset Protection via the purchase of qualified Long-Term Care Insurance policies, allow the exemption of certain types of assets, and permit individuals to qualify even after transferring assets to a spouse or to a disabled family member or to a caregiver child. To plan ahead and accelerate qualification for Medicaid is no different from planning to maximize your income tax deductions to receive the largest income tax refund allowable. It’s no different from taking advantage of tax-free municipal bonds. It’s no different from planning your estate to avoid paying estate taxes.

Why is There a Basic Right to Health Care, but no Right to Long-term Care?
Within the United States, seniors over 65 generally have a right to medical care, but not to long-term care. Medicare Part A Coverage (which covers hospital visits) is free to people who have worked for at least 40 quarters (generally 10 years). No one in the US (regardless of age and citizenship) can be turned down from medical care in a hospital emergency room because of EMTALA (the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act), which requires hospitals with emergency departments to provide a medical screening examination to any individual who comes to the emergency department and requests such an examination.

Does any similar program pay for long-term care in our country? The answer is a HUGE NO! In the US, nobody has a basic right to receive any type of care that is classified as long-term care. Why? It’s just how our American healthcare system has evolved over our country’s history, and politicians have not yet figured out that perhaps long-term care should be considered a basic human right (as it is in some countries).

Medicaid Planning Required to Overcome a Discriminatory Health Insurance System
This inherent tragedy means that our American health insurance system discriminates against people suffering from certain types of chronic illnesses, such as those that routinely result in the need for long-term care, such as: Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy Body dementia, Vascular dementia, FTD (Frontotemporal dementia), and other types of dementia; Parkinson’s disease; Huntington’s disease; ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), Multiple Sclerosis, or Muscular Dystrophy; severe spinal stenosis; severe gout; and any other of the dozens of types of progressive neurodegenerative disorders or neuromuscular disorders that result in the need for long-term care. Any person suffering the tragedy of one of these diseases in the U.S. must also suffer the tragedy of having the wrong disease according to our American health insurance system.

Why should someone with brain cancer – tumors in the brain that aren’t supposed to be there – have all of his treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery) covered by health insurance, yet someone with Alzheimer’s – plaques and tangles in the brain that aren’t supposed to be there – must pay for his care out of pocket until he goes broke. In both cases, we are dealing with the care that someone needs because of the disease that person has. How is the differing result fair? It’s not.

Is it an ethical social policy that seemingly arbitrarily distinguishes among these different types of illnesses? Is it an ethical social policy that provides full coverage for most illnesses – whether chronic or acute – but forces Americans with certain chronic conditions (many of them elders) to become impoverished in order to gain access to the long-term care necessitated by their particular type of chronic illness? Is it a surprise that Americans suffering the wrong type of chronic illness will want to look for legal ways to preserve the efforts of their lifetime in order to protect themselves from this unfair and seemingly arbitrary social policy?

Scroll down to see what other attorneys say about my books and treatises.
What other Attorneys Are Saying:
Simon Stapleton, Elder Law Attorney
This book is a must-read for anyone who is serious about protecting their assets from the nightmares of probate, lawsuits and nursing home expenses. The book is easy to read, clear and concise. The examples in the book are real and very informative; they illustrate the dire consequences that families face when their loved ones do not plan in advance. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is concerned about protecting their life's savings from catastrophic nursing home costs. As a fellow elder law attorney, I can vouch for the fact that Mr. Evan Farr is truly a pioneer in this field.
- Simon Stapleton, Esquire ( Virginia)
Evan has a way of breaking down the issues to the basics and allows an elder law attorney like me to upgrade my knowledge base and the services and strategies I can 
offer my clients.
- Robert W. Haley, Certified Elder Law Attorney (Virginia)
Evan's materials are the most coherent explanation I've seen on the subject of trust asset protection. 
- Stephen L. Carpenter, Esq. (Tennessee)
Elder Law Institute for Training and Education, LLC.
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